To study English(4)
One day, he heard a public service announcement about private tutoring offered by the Literacy Volunteers.
He called up and explained about himself.
His teacher, Mrs.Lord, remembers the first time he showed up at her door.
"He was such a nice man," she said.
"At first I didn't realize how deep his problem was.
But it soon became clear - he didn't even know the alphabet."
So, twice a week, they started to work together.
"He was so grateful," Mrs. Lord said.
"I do this for free, but he kept saying that if I ever needed any plumbing done,
even if it was an emergency in the middle of the night,
he would do it for nothing."
In the time since he started studying with Mrs. Lord, the man has found a new job.
His employers do not know that he cannot read, he is deathly afraid that they will find out and that he will be fired again.
But, he said he was proud of how far he had come in his life without knowing how to read.
"I built my own house.
I think that's a pretty good accomplishment for a man who can't read."
Still, he has always known how large the gap in his life was.
"All my life, I've wanted so badly to be able to read something," he said.
"I've had to pretend, all my life.
I've never written a letter in my life.
When the holidays came, it was very hard for me to pick out a card for my wife.
I'd look at the cards, but I'd have no idea what they said.
So I'd buy her a flower instead.
I dream that before long I can really read something.
I think about reading even when I'm at work, though.
I'll be working, but I'll be reciting the alphabet in my head.
I can't wait until I can write a letter," he says.
"The first letter I write is going to be to my wife.
I'm going to tell her how much I love her."
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